
GeoNumerics selected to join the Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance (RIMA) EU programme

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GeoNumerics’ patented mapKITE technology will be the cornerstone of the project MAP4CAT, an application of mapKITE for robotic road mapping in Catalonia. The project is led by GeoNumerics in partnership with Octocam-maps, a drone operator for professional applications.

Castelldefels, 14 September 2020. GeoNumerics is one of the nineteen selected beneficiaries to join the Robotics for Inspection and Management Accelerator Programme (RIMA). Out of 385 initial applications, 114 submitted and eligible, and 51 shortlisted, 19 proposals were finally selected --13 of them for the Technology Demonstrators Programme and 6 for the Technology Transfer Experiments Programme, MAP4CAT being among the latter group.

In December 2019, GeoNumerics responded to the first RIMA open call with the MAP4CAT proposal. Today, MAP4CAT is a project, a six-month technology demonstrator of GeoNumerics' patented tandem aerial-terrestrial mobile mapping technology mapKITE. The demonstration exercises will take place in Catalan roads.

Drones and Galileo to ease rural electrification in developing countries: kicking-off the AMPERE project

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The project AMPERE, coordinated by the Italian Free Soft & Tech, had its kick-off meeting to initiate activities regarding the implementation of a drone-based platform for asset monitoring of electric networks, targeting the use case in Republica Dominicana.

Prague, 13 February 2020. Hosted by the European GNSS Agency’s headquarters, a consortium of five European companies and a south American university triggered activities of the AMPERE project. Being its full name “Asset Mapping Platform for Emerging countRies Electrification”, the main goal of the project is to engineer and to start to commercialise a dedicated solution, to be used for electrical power network information gathering. AMPERE will support decision making actors (e.g. institutions and public/ private companies in charge to manage electrical network) to collect all needed info to plan electrical network maintenance and upgrade.

In particular, the need for such a solution comes in emerging countries (worldwide) where, despite global electrification rates are significantly progressing, the access to electricity is still far from being achieved in a reliable way. This is why one of the key partners of the project is the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) from Republica Dominicana, that will act as an on-the-field contributor to identifying needs from potential users and setting logistics for the platform tests.

1000 drone signals

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GeoNumerics’ researchers Ismael Colomina and Pere Molina’s article “Unmanned aerial systems for photogrammetry and remote sensing: A review” cited by 1000.

Castelldefels, 15 March 2020. GeoNumerics is proud to announce that, today, the journal article “Unmanned aerial systems for photogrammetry and remote sensing: A review” has reached 1000 citations according to the Scopus database. The article, published in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in 2014, was co-authored by GeoNumerics’ Dr. Ismael Colomina and Pere Molina, at the time researchers of the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC).

While reaching more than 1000 citations at Scopus, other databases like Google Scholar offer different metrics. In the Google case, the database yields a total number of 1567 citations. Besides the number of citations, the article has been the most downloaded paper of the journal during a long period, and is currently among the top-3 of most downloaded papers in the past ninety days (among these three articles, it is the oldest with difference).

DELOREAN kicks-off: GeoNumerics to investigate trustworthy navigation for urban air mobility

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When moving people by air, particularly with unmanned aircraft like the future taxi drones, a navigation failure is not an option. The recently started EU-funded research and development project DELOREAN aims at developing the navigation and positioning requirements for the future urban air mobility and urban air delivery missions.

Castelldefels, 3 February 2020. The urban air mobility (UAM) and urban air delivery (UAD) project DELOREAN, coordinated by the Spanish company Pildo Consulting S.L. –a.k.a. Pildo Labs– had its kick-off meeting on 31 January 2020 at the European GNSS Agency (GSA) premises located in the Spanish Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Espacial (INTA). The research and innovation project, funded by the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 (H2020) programme and managed by the GSA, aims at the identification of the navigation and positioning requirements for the challenging future UAM and UAD services, and to demonstrate how the European GNSS stands as an enabler of UAM and UAD.