AMPERE: Asset Mapping Platform for Emerging CountRies Electrification
The purpose of the AMPERE (Asset Mapping Platform for Emerging countRies Electrification) project is to engineer and to start to commercialise a dedicated solution, to be used for electrical power network information gathering. AMPERE will support decision making actors (e.g. institutions and public/ private companies in charge to manage electrical network) to collect all needed info to plan electrical network maintenance and upgrade.
In particular, the need for such a solution comes in emerging countries (worldwide) where, despite global electrification rates are significantly progressing, the access to electricity is still far from being achieved in a reliable way. Indeed, the challenge facing such communities goes beyond the lack of infrastructure assets: what is needed is a mapping of already deployed infrastructure (not known!) in order to perform holistic assessment of the energy demand and its expected growth over time.
In such a context, Galileo is a key enabler -especially, considering its free-of-charge High Accuracy Service (HAS) and its highly precise E5 AltBOC code measurements- as a core component to map electric utilities, optimise decision making process about the network development and therefore increase time and cost efficiency, offering more convenient way to manage energy distribution.
These aspects confer to the AMPERE project a worldwide dimension, having European industry the clear role to bring innovation and know-how to allow network intervention planning with a limited afforded financial risk above all for emerging non-European countries. and Europe.
GeoNumerics is a research and development (R&D) intensive small-and-medium-enterprise (SME) company specialised in geomatics and accurate navigation.
The European Global navigation Satellite system Agency (GSA) is a European Union (EU) agency that promotes the use, adoption, application and market development of European GNSS services and that these services and operations are thoroughly secure, safe and accessible.
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). It couples research and innovation with emphasis on excellent science and industrial leadership, and tackles the EU societal challenges. H2020 goal is to ensure that Europe produces world-class science, removes barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation.
Acronym: AMPERE
Title: Asset Mapping Platform for Emerging countRies Electrification
Period: 2020-02-01 to 2022-02-01
Funding: European Global navigation Satellite system Agency (GSA), European Commission (EC) grant 870227, Horizon 2020 (H2020), SU-SPACE-EGNSS-3-2019-2020
Coordinator: Free Soft & Tech srl (IT)
Other participants: TopView SRL (IT), Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (RD), Universita degli studi di Napoli Federico II (IT), Business Integration Partners (BE), GeoNumerics (ES)
H2020 web page:
AMPERE web page:
This project has received funding from the European Community's Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreement 870227.